2016-06-01 (84)

84. Tag: Björsjö → Källvass (Badplats -Gubbo, Smedjebaken) – 24,8km
83. – 85.

At first we return to the ‘Grusväg’ but after just a few hundred metres the Smedjeleden, which we now follow, turns off to the left. With the exception of a brief bump, we rejoin the road just a few kilometres before Smedjebacken. It is an easy path and in Smedjebacken you can take a coffee break (fika), spend the night or continue walking and follow the Smedjeleden, which is what we do. In Kolviken, however, we don’t turn left but continue to Gubbo and there to the Badplats in Källvass at lake Staren – with a jetty, bathing facilities and space for a tent: perfect.
